Snakes with arms

Snakes with arms paintings... (There is a dialogue implicit in all communication, especially visual communication. Sometimes it includes the viewer, and sometimes it does not.)

"The Hedges" left panel, 24" x 36" oil on canvas 2023

These hedges are in the Boston Public Garden.

"The Hedges" left panel, 24" x 36" oil on canvas 2023

These hedges are in the Boston Public Garden.

"The Hedges" left panel, detail

"The Hedges" left panel, detail

"The Hedges" center panel, 26" x 36" oil on canvas 2023

These hedges are in the Boston Public Garden.

"The Hedges" center panel, 26" x 36" oil on canvas 2023

These hedges are in the Boston Public Garden.

"The Hedges" center panel detail

"The Hedges" center panel detail

"The Hedges" (right panel) 24" x 36" 2023

These hedges are in the Boston Public Garden.

"The Hedges" (right panel) 24" x 36" 2023

These hedges are in the Boston Public Garden.

"The Hedges" right panel detail

"The Hedges" right panel detail

"Orange house" 16"x20" oil on canvas, 2023

This house is on Cape Ann.

"Orange house" 16"x20" oil on canvas, 2023

This house is on Cape Ann.

"Orange house" in a frame with the face of the frame painted

"Orange house" in a frame with the face of the frame painted

"white house" 16"x20" oil on canvas, 2023

This house is on Cape Ann.

"white house" 16"x20" oil on canvas, 2023

This house is on Cape Ann.

"White house" in a frame with the face of the frame painted

"White house" in a frame with the face of the frame painted

"yellow house" 16"x20" oil on canvas, 2023

This house is on Cape Ann.

"yellow house" 16"x20" oil on canvas, 2023

This house is on Cape Ann.

"Yellow house" in a frame with the face of the frame painted

"Yellow house" in a frame with the face of the frame painted

"blue house" 16"x20" oil on canvas, 2023

This house is on Cape Ann.

"blue house" 16"x20" oil on canvas, 2023

This house is on Cape Ann.

"Blue house" in a frame with the face of the frame painted

"Blue house" in a frame with the face of the frame painted

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